Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Prayer for Uncle Henry

We heard tonight from Dad Cook that his brother, Henry has been diagnosed with colon cancer. Henry is about 78 years old and lives in Yuma. Please lift him in your prayers, we will be eternally grateful.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Now what for Daniel

Daniel has a new buddy, Thai. Well she is not really new since she used to be mine but she absolutely adores him and since all she does is squak and nip at me, I gave her to the one she adores.

Daniel has a job interview at Nautilus insurance this afternoon. Please say a prayer for him. If he gets the position he will be working at the same company as Jennifer and Aunt Joyce. He recently interviewed with Wells Fargo. Right now he is looking for full time employment so he can make some money and head to college in the fall of 2008.

Shane update

Shane is playing games in Daniel's room (which is why he is not looking at the camera). He is finishing up Summer School at ASU and is anticipating starting up his regular courses in a few weeks. He can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel where he will finally get his degree in Finance from ASU. We are so proud of him and how hard he has worked on this accomplishment. He still works for the Pointe and plays in his band. I'm sure he sleeps sometimes...

Three more to go

Donald and Jenn are eagerly awaiting Shelby Lyn who is due sometime late October. They joined us recently for Sunday lunch. Upcoming events for them are "Baby Showers!". There is one scheduled with Donald's family as a BBQ for both men and women on August 18th. I am working on another shower that will have our side of the family and Jenn's co-workers that will be a women only event; probaly sometime at the end of September or first weekend of October.

A New Start

One of the many things Phil and I are trying to do is maintain our great relationship with our kids. So, we are taking the next electronic leap into "Blogging". We hope this will allow our family and friends to keep up on the latest within our family and to join in the fun.

Phil and I already have an open invitiation to Sunday lunch for the kids, family and friends (extra's with at least 24 hours notice please - so we can go shopping). This has given us the opportunity to get caught up with all the comings and goings in our busy family.

It amazes me how quickly time flies and yet each day has a measure of blessing.
I hope you join us in the remaining adventure of our lives. We love you!