Monday, June 30, 2008

San Juan Capistrano

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San Juan Capistrano

I haven't visited this old mission since grade school. Since it was on my way back up the coast from Dad and Lena's I thought it would be nice to see if it was the way I remembered it.

I do remember being there one year for the return of the swallows. There is such a sense of awe that God would instill a calendar into these birds so that they know when March 19th is each year as the day they are to arrive. Check out this link for more information.

The other pleasant surprise was running into Sunday Night Group who were also spending the day in this quaint mission. I think Brad even got some good video with Sean and Annaliese there.

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

A visit with Dad & Lena

June 21, 2008

This week is a busy week with the Saddleback Conference but I thought I would get a head start and visit with Dad and Lena since I was at least in the same state.

I flew in early, grabbed a rental car and showed up at their door by 10:30am. Lena made a special treat, homemade empenadas. They were fantastic! I hadn't had any that good since our trip to Argentina.

They are both looking pretty good but Dad still could use a few pounds. Later in the afternoon Lena got a call from her grandson Tyler who lives in Eugene, Oregon. He was able to get on stand-by and wanted to know if he could spend the night and then get picked up by his dad the next day. The answer was, "of course". It was so evident that Tyler holds a special place in Lena's heart but the way she lit up when she saw him. But then I'm sure that she does that for all of her grandchildren.

Tyler and I hit it off immediately. He reminded me so much of Daniel. After Lena and Dad went to bed, He shared stories about what he is doing in school and the direction he sees for his life. We talked until almost midnight, which was pretty amazing since I was up at 3:00am this morning in order to get last minute things done before I left. I told him many things about Daniel and the similarities I saw between the two of them - he said "I've got to meet Daniel." Perhaps someday Tyler.

The next morning we attended their church together. Tyler and I were probably the youngest people in the congregation but then we found out that the contemporary service was the second one and they have a lot of young people attend that one. We were done fairly early so we went to brunch at a restaurant that Tyler loves - it was kind of like Sweet Tomatoes. After seeing him eat a 2 huge plates of waffles with fruit and about a 1/2 pound of whipped cream (real stuff, not the kind in a can), and then another plate full of biscuits and gravy, I knew that he must meet Daniel. The two of them could clear out a buffet!

Before his dad picked him up, Lena challenged him to a game of Trouble. I have never seen this competitive side of Lena before, but it was fun. Poor Tyler, he lost all four games. After Tyler left we settled into a quiet evening of news and 60 minutes.

The next morning we had another lovely morning on the patio with coffee and fruit. Dad had to get the car ready for travel since Dad and Lena were having to go up to Yucaipa to visit her brother Basil. Basil is dying of stomach cancer. He had surgery about 6 months ago but is on the decline and Lena wanted to have at least one last visit with him. In your prayers, please lift up Basil and the family.

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Monday, June 16, 2008


Here is a watercolor I did this year. Hopefully, I will get better as time goes on.

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Phil's Bounty

I picked a few items out of the garden yesterday and arranged them for a nice display. Phil has done such a great job on the garden and I am so proud of him for putting tomatoes on our table when we can't seem to find any in restaurants or stores (the e-coli scare). Thanks babe.

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

In the garden

Would you like some tomatoes, okra, plums, apples, more tomatoes, peppers (4 kinds), watermelon, cucumbers, beets, onions or carrots? Some of it may not be ready yet, but come on in an check it out.

Friday's with Shelby

Other than most of May, I have the joy of spending each Friday with Shelby. I know that I enjoyed growing up and being Mom to Shane, Jennifer and Daniel, but now I know why grandparenting is so highly desired. IT's FUN!

We get to wear each other out and then we get to send them home to mom & dad.

More and More May

Phil entered the Wester States Nationals and did well, but...
Squat - 276
Bench - 198, tried 237 and in his words "Oh, Mama!" he felt something go in his left shoulder. So he was not able to complete that lift. So what does he do?, stays in the meet so he can see if he can do the deadlift.
Yep, I am married to a weightlifting lunatic.

David and Kelly went to Italy for two weeks and had a wonderful time. Meanwhile back at the ranch Jim Taggart and I kept things going with the help of the rest of the guys. We were also trying to get their new accounting package ready to go for their return. We were moving from Quickbooks/Filemaker/Other to Microsoft Accounting; no small feat mind you.

The week they returned I helped the other Kelli with Music camp by running a drama class for 4,5,6th graders. I had 22 kids in my class but the remarkable number was that there were over 260 kids signed up for music camp this year. Partly because we ran it in the afternoons right after VBX. We had a wonderful program that Friday night with about 400+ kids on the platform. There was singing, orff instruments, stomp, dance, drama and more! The week just flew but there were many decisions for Christ, and that was what it was all about.


Almost caught up (sort of).

Phil added another project to the backyard in May; he planted grass!!! Yippee, hallelujah! (yes I can now hear the sound of Phil rolling his eyes...) For those of you who know, the dirt bowl has been there for quite some time and I for one, am truly grateful for the new beauty of our backyard.

Our dear sweet son Shane graduated from ASU with a degree in business finance. It was a long hard road for him, but we are so proud of his perseverence, and his accomplishment. Grandpa Howdy and Millie came to visit for a week. Shane unfortunately missed the deadline so he could walk the aisle for his diploma so we had a small party for him anyway. Now he is going to have to find something to do with all of his spare time - just kidding Shaner. He hopes to find a job in his new field so he can continue to Rock out with his band "Dust Jacket". Shane, we wish you lots of success, we are so proud of you.


April brough a lot of Spring Showers and a lot of work in the garden (for Phil that is).

I am so grateful that he likes to grow things because they are so yummy, not to mention cost saving. The fruit trees were starting to bloom. One of my favorite things to do in the morning is to take a walk in the garden and see how much it grew from the day before, I know it sounds silly, but its fun for me.

We also got to see some old friends. Willy and Marilina Vega were here visiting from Malaysia with their son Timo. It is always a blessing to hear about their ministry and to hear how God is working in mighty ways in their translation of the bible for the Bidayuh people. Our home fellowship group; Jim & Kelli, David and Kelly, Matt & Jodie along with Gary & Leah spent a wonderful evening together fellowshipping and enjoying getting caught up.

Matthew 4:4 Misia idoh di' idip da' pinguman sija', pak eh da' sitiap pingunang Topa'.

That was in the Bidayuh language, in English it means; "Human beings cannot live on food alone, but on every word of God."