Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Update in the Bonesteel House

So I finally figured out my log in for Mom & Dad's blog! : ) And since it isn't up here I just wanted to make sure you guys had the address for our blog for the updates in our crazy house!

Lots of love!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lifting for Tanzania

It's hard to belive that it has been a year since Phil lifted with purpose for Tanzania.
He did awesome this year. His total bests were: Squat 281 lbs, Benchpress 220 lbs, Deadlift 424 lbs for a total of 925 lbs. I am so proud of him. Way to go Babe! Here is some video. On the benchpress, one of the judges leaned over to me and said "tell him next time to add more weight". I explained to him that Phil injured his shoulder in the Spring meet and he was just taking it easy, but yes, he sure did make it look easy today. Be sure to stop the music player so you can hear the grunts and the cheerleaders. Mark, Michelle and Peri even stopped by and saw Phil do his benchpresses and then I gave them the painting of Matthew. All in all, it was a great day. We both give God all glory and honor for the accomplishments of the day.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Freedom to Vote

I am so grateful that we live in a country where we have the freedom to vote for the things we believe in and the things we believe need to change. It may not always seem like a fair system, but I am grateful that we still have a voice. But more importantly, I am grateful that we have a heavenly Father who hears us 24x7. We dont need to stand in line for our opportunity to be heard. We simply need to call out to Him. Our country still needs the Lord so my prayer this morning comes from 2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

So, this morning I went to vote, to be heard, to speak what I believe in. The picture is a little dark because it was still dark outside. My other prayer today is that I hope everyone that is registered makes their voice heard and that the polls will be a safe place today.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tour de New River

It takes a lot of Sandford's to handle the balloons for the finish line.
The first set of riders for the 70 mile ride left at 7:30am. The second set for the 40 mile ride left at 8:30am. Fred Beasley sent them on their way after a word of prayer. The first riders coming in and the great volunteers that cheered them on.
Jim and Matt rode 70 miles - The did a great job!

This past Saturday, Phil and I spent part of our day helping out with the Tour de New River. This event raises funds for two villages in Tanzania through two bike rides and a family hike.

To learn more about this event, go to

This is also the event that Phil piggybacks on with his weightlifting event. Usually they are the same weekend but happened to fall differently this year. Phil's event will be next Saturday at Westwood High School in Mesa. Come on by to cheer him on.