Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mom's Birthday - Part 2

On Friday, Bev and Renee (with the help of some other special people) created a lovely luncheon for Mom. There were about 25 people there. Bev mentioned that Mom has many more friends but it would have been too large of a crowd for that facility (not to mention all the additional food that would be required).

They made a beautiful cake that was also delicious and had a nice spread of food items. The best part was seeing these lovely people and how they have so eagerly embraced Mom in their midst. After years of working hard, it was just wonderful to see her building relationships and having fun.

Mom opened some gifts and was incredibly touched by her friends love and generocity. What Mom sometimes forgets is that it is her sweet spirit and caring attitude that draws people to her. Of course as Mom opened the gifts...she cried!

After the luncheon, Mom was able to show off her cute little home to some of her friends and you could tell how proud she was.

Joyce unfortunately was tortured by Chaz, one of Mom's cats during the night and was not able to get a whole lot of sleep. We dubbed Chaz "PC" or Psycho Cat. Rocky was a perfect gentlecat the whole time we were there.

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