Friday, February 1, 2008

February - Part 2

I was able to attend a worship conference in Pasadena, CA hosted by the Brehm Center and Ed Willmington. Cheryl Woodring and I "road tripped" our way there and back. The conference was all day Saturday. There was quite a group of us from SBC and we were able to see some alumni there as well like Sue Whittaker. Keith and Kristen Getty spent some wonderful time in worship and sharing the story behind the songs they have written. It is so obvious of their love for the church's history and foundation found in hymns. We were so privileged to hear Kristen sing many of their songs. I could just listen to her sing all day long. Also there was Lloyd John Ogilve sharing his heart for the Worship Leader in session called "Worship in Spirit and Truth".

Here are a few of my notes:
Nothing is more important than Worship. It is:
-Privilege of Praise
-Inspiration of intimacy with God
-Intentional discipleship
-Understanding people
-Knowing God more clearly
-The experience of the Human Spirit

One of the most important relationships you have is with your Pastor and your Worship director.
You need to get involved and pray for them in:
1. Purpose
2. Preparation
3. Partnership

-Worship begins with God
-Jesus Christ is the Director of Worship
-We are all here by Divine appointment with the Living God.
-We join Christ Jesus in the instigation of Worship to the Father.
-Does the worshipper view us, or our Lord God?
-Truth enables intimacy
**Are you preparing your congregation to do something they will do forever? In heaven worship will be all that we do, are you preparing your congregation to do just that?
-Adoration – the thermostat of the Spirit: The perfect proportion of “in” flow and “out” flow.
-There is a need for silence in worship, so that we can listen to God.
-We dare not bore people in our worship time by not being prepared.
-“I preach as a dying man to a dying man, every Sunday”

And finally a few words from Keith Getty:
“Sometimes we avoid suffering in our songs because we believe people don’t want to hear them; Everyone lives in quiet desperation – The need to hear a word from God”
We need to teach our congregation truths of Christian Faith:
-Singable songs that engage the whole being
-What comes in, comes out
-The traditional items that can be remembered long after they are sung
-What will people remember during trials?
-We need all of our words to speak truth to the daily trials of life

After the conference we were able to walk with Ed to his office and spend a little time with him. The next morning Cheryl and a few more of us from SBC joined Ed at his church. I was able to sit next to him in the service and it was such a blessing. Funny thing was, when I started to sing some of the congregational singing, it was just like it was 22 years ago when I had to try out to be a part of the small groups. I was nervous! I sure do miss him and Mary Lou. Speaking of Mary Lou, we didnt get to see her because Cami had just had her baby boy and the new grandmother was helping out. Welcome to the Grandparents club!