Monday, July 21, 2008


With my new camera in hand, I set out to explore our garden once more. It is amazing to me what comes to you in the stillness. If only we pause and be still for a few moments, life comes to us. I was standing next to the tomato cages just looking around when a dragonfly flew by. I watched for a few minutes as it came close, then away, all on its own journey. Finally, it came back and stopped on the tomato cage I was standing next to. Almost as if a pose, it lingered while I took a couple of pictures.

Excited I couldn't wait to download the pictures. Isn't it beautiful? God's creativity available for all of us to see if we are just still for a moment to notice it. I love the colors and the intricacy of the wings.

There were a few other encounters this morning; a hummingbird, a wasp, some beetle bugs, ants and a woodpecker. I wonder how many of these encounters have I missed because I didn't stop and be still to notice them. But more important still, how many encounters with God have I missed because I didn't take the time to be still and hear His voice.

May you find the time to hear God's voice today.


Baker Watson said...

Very nice capture. I can tell you are going to have a lot of fun with the new camera. Dragonflies are indeed beautiful as are their sister species, Damselflies.

I think taking pictures is a great way to open our eyes to even the smallest of marvels around us and appreciate them even more.