Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I couldn't wait to get back to Saddleback this year since the amazing impact it had on my life last year. God used last years conference to re-ignite a passion for the arts and I still shake my head in wonder about all the things He allowed me to do in one years time.

Since last year;

  • Painted live in Church - These Hands
  • Painted Christmas backdrop of the Bethlehem country side and painted live, the Nativity during each Musical performance
  • Drew the words to a song, while it was being performed on paper with chalk to highlight what was being sung - with Tammy
  • Painted 8 Easter paintings used during the service that was highlighted with a dramatic reading.
  • Started a Bible Study using "The Creative Call" for SBC artist, meeting once a month. Developed some wonderful relationships with fellow artists
  • Discovered I like to use watercolors
  • Most importantly, I have deepened my relationship with the Lord through the use of these gifts. I am so humbled and grateful for what He has allowed me to do this year, and my greatest desire is to please Him. I have found that art can open a dialogue with non-Christians in a way I have not experienced before. My prayer is that I will have more opportunities to use the art as a way of communicating about my relationship with the Lord.

Needless to say my expectation was fairly high before I got there. Was it as exciting this year? It was different. More of that in the next post.